FSD3 Board of Trustees October Meeting

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Thursday, October 17, 2024 - 6:00pm

Thursday, October 17, 2024
    6:00 p.m.
       FSD3 Board Room
         Board Meeting Agenda
Call to Order and Declaration of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
Roll Call by Board Secretary
Moment of Silence
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Agenda - Action required
Consent Agenda – Action required
  1. Minutes from the 9/19/2024 Board Meeting
  2. Certified Personnel Report
Public Participation
Board Chair Report
  1. Report of any Meetings/Schools attended
  2. Request to attend any meetings
  • SCSBA Delegate Nomination Action Needed
Superintendent’s Report – Dr. Laura Hickson, Superintendent
  1. Special Recognition; Legislative and District Updates – Dr. Laura Hickson, Superintendent
  • Special Recognition: Lake City High School 100 Years of Accreditation - Dr. Annette Melton, Cognia's Senior Director Mid-Atlantic Region
  • Legislative Updates
  • Moving FSD3 Forward 3.0: Academics, Arts, Athletics Action Needed
    • Phase 1B for LCECC, Other District Capital Projects (Possible Funding Sources)
  1. Instructional Updates – Mary Howard, Director of Instruction 
  2. Finance Updates – Hope Gibson, Finance Director
  3. Human Resources Updates – Angelia Scott, Director of HR and Federal Programs
  • Personnel Report
  1. Operations Updates – Kasey Feagin, Ed.S., Chief Operations Officer
  • JICJ Policies – 2nd Reading - Action Needed
  • Remove JCDAG – Action Needed
  • Admin Rule JICJ
Exit to Executive Session to discuss:        Action required
  • Student Discipline or potential legal matters
  • Personnel Matters (Possible hiring, termination, resignation, placed on leave or potential legal matters)
Reconvene to Open Session - Action required
Any Action, if necessary, from Executive Session – Possible Action needed
Adjournment - Action required
Groups audience: